The Great Food Drive for Children will be held from April 2nd to 21st under the theme United for our little ones
MONTREAL, April 2, 2014 – Today, Moisson Montreal, Moisson Rive-Sud and the Centre de bénévolat et moisson Laval kicked off the 3rd edition of The Great Food Drive for Children in collaboration with Uniprix, which aims to help 20,000 little ones of 0 to 5 years of age who suffer from hunger in the Greater Montreal area.
“The idea of The Great Food Drive came from the realization that a significant gap exists between our received donations of baby products and the importance of the phenomenon of poverty among toddlers. Wishing to rally Quebecers of the Greater Montreal area behind the project to provide young children with the best conditions to reach their full potential, we have put together this Great Food Drive for Children. This year, we are pleased to count on the participation of Uniprix to achieve this goal “says Dany Michaud, Executive Director of Moisson Montreal.
The fundraising campaign will be held from April 2nd to 21st, 2014 and will be supported by media initiatives such as TV, print, Web and in-store promotions. The public is encouraged to visit to make a cash donation or drop by one of the 104 participating Uniprix stores to donate non-perishable foodstuffs for babies and young children. The funds collected will be used to buy and distribute baby and children’s items to partner community organizations, which have programs to provide assistance to families with young children and future moms.
For this 3rd edition, The Great Food Drive is proud to count on the collaboration of Uniprix. “It is with great pleasure that we have accepted the invitation to join this cause. Pharmacies are a top destination for all health and well-being related products for young children. This cause is an important one and our clients will surely respond with great enthusiasm and generosity when giving non-perishable items targeting our little ones” explains François Castonguay, President and CEO, Uniprix Group.
This year, the message of The Great Food Drive is supported by two exceptional spokespeople: TV and radio hostsÈve-Marie Lortie and Claudia Marques, who as mothers share the reasoning behind their engagement, “Nobody is immune to financial difficulties. You never know when you will require emergency food aid, which is why when you can give, please do!” explains Ève-Marie. “Many little ones are counting on you and your generosity to fight hunger, and I am sure you all agree, no child or baby should go through the day hungry!” adds Claudia.
Let’s unite for this cause that will give a new beginning to our little ones as they start their lives.
About the 3 Moissons
Moisson Montréal
A non-profit organization founded in 1984, Moisson Montréal is a centre for the reception, sorting and distribution of foodstuff destined to emergency food aid on the island of Montreal. Every month, Moisson Montréal distributes over 1,000 tons of products to over 200 Montreal community organizations who, in turn, provide food aid to 140,000 people of which 40,000 are children (aged between 0 – 17). The largest centre of its kind in Canada, Moisson Montréal is essentially financed by donations. Its regular operations require the help of about 6,000 volunteers annually. In 2013, Moisson Montréal distributed over $78M of foodstuff (in value) on the island of Montreal.
Moisson Rive-Sud
Moisson Rive‐Sud is the main foodbank in the Montérégie region. It collects foodstuff donations from agrifood businesses and redistributes them, free of charge, to 70 accredited organizations. Moisson Rive-Sud provides food aid to over 49,270 people each month, of which more than one third are children. The annual distribution exceeds 3.5 million kilos of goods, which represents a market value of $19M.
Centre de bénévolat et moisson Laval
The mission of this dual organization is to develop and promote volunteerism throughout the territory of the City of Laval to improve the wellbeing of its citizens. It also operates Moisson Laval to meet the needs of the territory’s community organizations by collecting, processing and distributing quality food items free of charge. It has also given itself the responsibility of helping the city’s disadvantaged, notably by providing emergency food aid.
For further information and interview requests with one of the spokespeople:
Marie-Claire Lynn
Communications Coordinator
Moisson Montréal
514 344-4494 ext. 239 or
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