Situation of Moisson Montréal regarding COVID-19.

Last Updated : December 9th, 2020, 5:02 pm


The Minister of Health and Social Services announced on September 28th that the Montreal region is moving to the red level and asked for everyone’s collaboration to contain the spread of the virus. As a result, Moisson Montréal has modified some of the prevention measures put in place since the beginning of the pandemic.

  • To facilitate the tracing of Public Health epidemiological investigations in the event of a confirmed case of COVID-19, the declaration form now includes the phone number of any person entering the organization’s premises;
  • The number of volunteers required to work in the warehouse will now be limited to 35 people per day in order to reduce the number of people circulating in the premises and to keep a limited number of individuals per work platform. Furthermore, Moisson Montréal is committed to maintaining its level of service for accredited organizations;
  • Since the beginning of the pandemic, part of Moisson Montreal’s team has been working from home, but the number of administrative staff working remotely has now risen to 60%.

Below you will find answers to the questions being asked concerning Moisson Montréal in this pandemic situation.  Because of the large number of calls that we are receiving, you may find the answer to your question by reading the following Frequently Asked Question document

Is Moisson Montréal continuing to distribute donated food to their accredited organizations?

Answer: Yes. Our priority remains to ensure the continuation of our essential distribution service to community organizations, all the while taking preventative measures recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), Canada’s Public Health Agency, Premier François Legault’s Office, Santé et Service Sociaux du Quebec’s, as well as Quebec’s Office for Public Safety.

To find out more, read the April review here.

Have special measures been taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19?

Answer: Yes.

Sanitary rules

  • Wearing a mask is mandatory for all persons present on Moisson Montréal’s premises.
  • You must put on your mask before entering.
  • You must fill out the Declaration: Travel Outside the Country & Symptoms form by entering
  • The social distance of 2 meters is mandatory.
  • Frequent hand washing is mandatory

Special measures for volunteers


  • In order to respect the social distance of 2 meters, each work platform is reduced to a maximum of 10 people.

Dinner and break

  • In order to respect the social distance of 2 meters, the break and the dinner are spread over two schedules
  • You take your 15-minute break either at 9:30 or 10:30.
  • You take your 45-minute dinner, either at 11:15 or 12:15.


  • Only two people are allowed to sit at each table.
  • Respect the floor markings for entering and leaving the cafeteria.

Special measures for the organizations

Waiting area while waiting to be called by the Moisson employee

  • 5 chairs were placed two metres apart each.
  • You must not move these chairs.

Refrigerators for distribution

  • Only 3 organisms can be in the refrigerator at the same time.
  • Only 6 people (including Moisson employees) can be in the fridges at the same time.

Respect the floor markings

  • In order to maintain a distance of 2 meters between each person, you must follow the ground markings.
  • The blue arrows indicate the direction of entry.
  • The red arrows indicate the direction to exit

Special measures for food suppliers

Reception cage

  • Only one person at a time may be present in the entrance cage.

Does Moisson Montréal still need volunteers?

Answer: In order to ensure the continuity of its essential food distribution services to its 250 partner organizations, we are always in need of volunteers. In order to respect social distancing measures, we have reduced the size of each work platform to a maximum of 10 people. To register, please email and we will evaluate together the availability on both sides.

Does Moisson Montréal need food donations at this moment?

Answer: Yes.

Donations of more than 100 Kg:
Moisson Montréal offers a free pick-up service. Simply contact Stéphane Wells by email at: or by calling 514-344-4494 extension 302. If you are able to deliver your food donation to Moisson Montréal’s warehouse (6880 chemin Côte-de-Liesse, Montréal, QC H4T 2A1). We receive food donation deliveries at warehouse doors P9 and P10 (loading docks are accessible by Hickmore Ave.) between 7:30 AM and 3 PM Monday to Thursday, or 7:30 AM to 11 AM Fridays. Please contact us by email at: or by calling 514-344-4494 extension 242, to schedule an appointment.

Donations of less than 100 Kg:
We recommend bringing your donations to your local organizations. To find a local community organization near you, please consult the following website at or call 211.

Click here to read the press release outlining the restrictions to access that are currently in effect.

Does Moisson Montréal need monetary donations at the moment?


Thank you very much for your generosity! Each $1 donated enables Moisson Montréal to distribute more than $15 worth of food. To make a donation:

MoreoverMoisson Montréal has created a new Endowment at the Foundation of Greater Montreal and we invite you to contribute today at:  An endowment is a permanent and independent source of funding whose assets are invested with a long-term perspective. Each year, a portion of the value of the endowment is disbursed to support Moisson Montréal’s mission and the remainder is reinvested to ensure the sustainability of the  operations. Thank you for your support!

For more information, please contact us at 514-344-4494 ext. 222 or by email:

I need food assistance. Where should I go?

Answer: In order to find a community organization that offers food assistance, we invite you to visit the site or call 211. This information and referral center  for the Greater Montreal is meant to inform you of the organizations closest to you in your area. Please note that Moisson Montréal doesn’t give any direct  food assistance to individuals. We only supply the organizations that, in turn, help Montrealers in need.

I have another question than those provided here. Who shall I ask?

Answer: Below is a list of MAIN CONTACTS, by function:

Services to Partner Organizations:

Monetary Donations and Accounting:

Volunteer Coordination:

Food Donations:

For all other questions, please contact us at and we will answer you in a timely manner.

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