On May 26, 27 and 28, thousands of Quebecers made their way to outlets of the Société des alcools du Québec (SAQ) in order to buy white wines for a purpose : during the 3-day Generous Wines campaign for each bottle of white wine sold on those days, the SAQ donated $1 to Food Banks of Quebec and its 18 Moisson members including Moisson Montréal. In addition, the suppliers of six specially selected white wines upped the ante by another $1 or more. Thanks to the population’s enthusiastic participation, the SAQ was able to present a cheque of $97 601 to Moisson Montréal.
“We are extremely happy to benefit from the Generous Wines campaign again this year, said Dany Michaud, Executive Director at Moisson Montréal. The campaign has a great impact since the money we receive allows us to maintain our necessary food collection, sorting and distribution operations. We are very grateful for all the work done by the SAQ, its organizing partners and also wish to thank the many people who have taken part in this collective effort against hunger.”