Never too late to share good news!

At last, we have obtained the results of the « Feed the Holiday Spirit » 2012 campaign. This yearly initiative invites friends of Moisson Montréal – businesses, institutions or individuals – to hold food drives and therefore lend a hand in our Holiday Season effort.

After a slow start in November, the campaign ended up being successful beyond all our hopes. Over 210 local businesses and individuals (50 % more than last year) held food drives that brought in over 27 797 kilos of food stuff, a 10-ton increase compared to 2011. This amazing contribution had a concrete impact on the quality of the food aid we were able to provide at the turn of the year. We also wish to thank the participants and organizers of the 11 special events to benefit Moisson Montreal that were held last December. Thanks to them, we received $ 4 068,11 and 2 283,7 kilos of foodstuff. Belated but heartfelt thank you to all.