On Tuesday, November 5, Food Banks Quebec and all the 18 food banks part of the network across Quebec, including Moisson Montréal unveiled the results of the Hunger Count, a survey held every month of March in parallel with that of Food Banks Canada. The Hunger Count aims at evaluating the use of emergency food aid services locally, regionally and nationally.
A few of this year’s highlights: If the number of Montrealers using food aid emergency services has receded from March 2012 to March 2013, the demand for foodstuff itself has not slowed down. In one month only, Montreal Island community organizations responded to over 148,000 demands for foodstuff distribution and served close to 386,000 meals and snacks. Another concerning statistic, children and adults, over the age of 65, constitute an ever-growing proportion of the emergency food aid beneficiaries; we can see a variation of 9,5 % from 2012 to 2013.
To learn more about the use of emergency food aid services on the Island of Montreal, please consult the 2013 Hunger Count.