In order to fulfill our mission against hunger in the most relevant and efficient way possible, it is essential to be aware of the news that have an impact on our activities. This section, filled with various researchs and articles, presents a general portrait of problematics related directly to our organisation’s work. Have a good read!
Taux de faible revenu d’après la Mesure du panier de consommation, pour les personnes et les personnes dans des unités familiales, selon l’âge, le sexe et le type d’unité familiale
Based on information from Statistique Canada, this chart demonstrates low income rate concerning different categories of ages, genders and situations.
External link to website →Making End Meets
Created by Citoyens pour une politique juste, this report paints a portrait of poverty in Canada and is part of a series of four. This text describes Canadian’s difficulty to face a difficult economy and a life’s cost that is continuously increasing.
External link to website →Income, Wealth and Inequality
From the same series created by Citoyens pour une politique juste, this report approaches different subjects related to poverty, such as incomes, inequality and centralised wealth.
External link to website →Poverty Trends Scorecard
Another document from the serie created by Citoyens pour une politique juste, it presents a general portrait of poverty in Canada for the year 2012.
External link to website →