In order to fulfill our mission against hunger in the most relevant and efficient way possible, it is essential to be aware of the news that have an impact on our activities. This section, filled with various researchs and articles, presents a general portrait of problematics related directly to our organisation’s work. Have a good read!
Plan d’action gouvernemental pour la solidarité et l’inclusion sociale (2010-2015)
Presented by Ministère de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale, this plan, wanting to fight social exclusion, is based on four directions to support individuals in situation of insecurity.
External link to website →Regard sur la défavorisation à Montréal
Written by Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de Montréal, this text suggests a look on the deprivation situation in the region of Montreal.
External link to website →La stratégie 2010-2015 de Centraide du Grand Montréal pour lutter contre la pauvreté et l’exclusion sociale
Created by Centraide du Grand Montréal, it aims to present this organization strategy for the years 2010 to 2015, to fight poverty and social exclusion.
External link to website →La pauvreté, les inégalités et l’exclusion sociale au Québec : état de situation 2013
This document, created by Centre d’étude sur la pauvreté et l’exclusion, has for objective to present various statistics regarding poverty and existing inequalities, then gives a portrait of social exclusion in Quebec.
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