In order to fulfill our mission against hunger in the most relevant and efficient way possible, it is essential to be aware of the news that have an impact on our activities. This section, filled with various researchs and articles, presents a general portrait of problematics related directly to our organisation’s work. Have a good read!
Second regard sur l’itinérance à Laval
Written by Paul Carle and Lalie Bélanger-Dion, this research, based on semi-supervised interviews, wishes to present a global portrait of the homelessness situation and residential uncertainty in Laval, while establishing an evolution of the phenomenon in the last five years.
External link to website →Rapport sur la pauvreté à Montréal
Presented by Conférence régionale des élus de Montréal, this report shows an evaluation of poverty in Montreal’s region and suggestions to improve the situation.
External link to website →Travail et pauvreté- Quand le travail n’empêche plus d’être pauvre!
This report, written by Conférence régionale des élus de Montréal, wishes to present a portrait of workers in situation of poverty in the region of Montreal and the elements allowing to better understand and define this problematic.
External link to website →