In order to fulfill our mission against hunger in the most relevant and efficient way possible, it is essential to be aware of the news that have an impact on our activities. This section, filled with various researchs and articles, presents a general portrait of problematics related directly to our organisation’s work. Have a good read!
Itinérance et accès aux services : problèmes et enjeux
This research, issued by Collectif de recherche sur l’itinérance, la pauvreté et l’exclusion sociale, puts the emphasis on the important impact of services accessibility on homeless individuals. Furthermore, it presents various aspects explaining such a difficult access.
External link to website →Plan d’action interministériel en itinérance 2010-2013
Created by the Department of Health and Social Services, this plan proposes actions to help homeless individuals. To do so, it establishes five priorities that will be developed in this text, which are: homelessness prevention, residential stability, intervention with homeless individuals, cohabitation between citizens and research.
External link to website →Itinérance en Montérégie. Comprendre le phénomène et identifier les besoins
This research, elaborated by Collectif de recherche sur l’itinérance, la pauvreté et l’exclusion sociale, presents the general portrait of homelessness in the Monteregie area, including the regional socio-demographic profile and an explication of homelessness phenomenon in the Monteregie area.
External link to website →