Moisson Montréal announces changes to its senior management

Montreal, September 16, 2015 – The President of the Board of Directors of Moisson Montréal, Mr. Richard Blain, announced today that he has accepted the resignation of the organisation’s Executive Director, Mr. Dany Michaud, effective Friday, October 2.

This decision follows the announcement, earlier today, by the Cabinet of the Government of Québec, of the nomination of Mr. Michaud as the new CEO of RECYC-QUÉBEC.

“Over his almost five years in this position, Dany enabled Moisson Montréal to reach new summits in efficiency and awareness, making it along the way the biggest food bank in Canada and greatly increasing our impact in the fight against hunger,” said Mr. Blain. “On behalf of all the members of the board and the Moisson Montréal team, not to mention the 140,000 Montréalers who depend on food aid to live, I would like to warmly thank him for his great leadership and drive in taking on the most demanding challenges that our organization’s mission requires. Dany’s new professional responsibilities will surely benefit from the same great talent and long-term commitment – notably in managing Moisson Montréal, in the fields of the environment, reclamation and waste management.”

“I would like to thank my colleagues and all of our partners and precious donors for their confidence in my leadership of Moisson Montréal these last five years,” said Mr. Michaud. “I will leave my functions shortly with a great feeling of pride in the progress we have made in the battle against hunger, and especially in our greater reclamation in the food production chain. Above all, I have acquired great confidence in the future of the organisation and its ability to continue to make a difference for the 250 partner organisations and the many Québecers who count on us,” he concluded.

“The board will undertake a process to identify, in the coming months, the person the best placed to continue the work begun in recent years. Furthermore, we are very happy to be able to count on Dany’s full cooperation in ensuring the most effective transition at all levels,” added Mr. Blain.

As of October 3, Ms. Lucie Guérin, who has sat on the leadership team and managed the organisation’s human resources for nearly six years, will assume the position in the interim until the nomination of Mr. Michaud’s successor.

About Moisson Montréal

A non-profit organization founded in 1984, Moisson Montréal is today the largest food bank in Canada. Through its centre for collecting, sorting and distributing emergency food assistance, the organization allocates over 1,000 tons of food per month to close to 250 accredited community organizations on the Island of Montreal. In turn, these organizations provide food assistance to 140,000 people, including more than 40,000 children between the ages of 0 and 5. Moisson Montréal receives funding and supplies mainly through donations. Its operations require the collaboration of nearly 8,000 volunteers each year who redistribute 13 million kilos of groceries, worth about $61 million. In 2015, Moisson Montréal also won the Prix Novæ de l’entreprise citoyenne in the “Approvisionnement” (Procurement) category for its supermarket collection program. For additional information, visit

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Julie Bourbonnière
Director of Marketing and Communications
T. 514-344-4494, ext. 227 | C. 514-993-8530