148 M
Dollars worth of food distributed annually
Community organisations served in Montreal
Volunteers needed each day
907 597
Requests for food aid every month fulfilled by the network
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Our mission
Moisson Montréal is a non-profit organization. We gather food donations and basic products all year long and free of charge, and distribute them to community organizations on the Island of Montreal. With your support, we have become the largest food bank in Canada distributing foodstuffs.
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Organize an event
By volunteering your time, you will help make a significant difference in the fight against hunger.
We welcome volunteers on an individual, corporate or group basis,
whether for half and full days, or several times a year.
Volunteer work
Organize a fundraiser
Organize a food drive
Become a food donor
Are you a food processor, producer or distributor?
Moisson Montreal needs you!
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Our latest news
Published on July 27th 2022
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Our Visionary Partners
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